Monday, November 17, 2008


Today after the hospices nurses and my grandparents came, my dad smiled a lot, and even kissed my mom, and held her hand, and gave her a hug. I told him that I loved him and he said it back, and he said to my older brother, 'I love you buddy-o" My older brother played guitar for my dad, and my dad gave him a pound!

Today was one of the girls' birthdays! We had cake tonight- and was it ever good! Usually, it's the icing that I really like- but this time, it was the cake. It was really good! And it was also my uncle's birthday, so we sang to him, and my dad said a few words to him on the phone. I also got to talk to my aunt tonight. It has been a few weeks since I saw her. It was so much fun when she stayed with us for the three weeks, but then she had to go back home. But I am excited because soon she will be traveling up here for Thanksgiving!

Well, I just wanted to say a bit of how my dad is doing. But I need to get going, I have basketball practice tomorrow- and some things still to accomplish tonight- and boy! Does 6 a.m. come early!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ali,
    Thanks so much for continuing your Dad's Blog. We pray for all of you very specifically so the blog helps to let us know where you are at. I can not express what an amazing young lady you are & how much your testimony is affecting all of us. Please give my James a hug from me. Tell him we send bear hugs & love. Please give your Mom & Dad a hug from us & of course your adorable little bro'. I thank God for giving you these special moments with your Dad. You will cherish them always. Keep on,
    Keepin' on!!
    Mrs. Schreck
