Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Long and Windy Road

Hey everyone!
Well, it's been a long time since I have lost blogged, and for that I ask your forgiveness. Life doesn't slow down for anything, it seems to just keepe going faster and faster. So much has been going on in my life since my last blog in November, so I'm going to share...

November 25, 2009 - 1 year after my Dad went to Heaven, came and went just like that. It was an okay day! My brother and his friend came home from West Point for Thanksgiving, and family and friends populated the house. It was a busy day, that kept us moving, but I had some time by myself. I still miss him, I always will, but God is good, all the time! And He is sustaining my family to this very day! So praise Him!

I finished basketball, and then school ended. It was all so fast, they tell you life flies by- and well- it really does! Some of my best friends graduated, and are leaving for college, and I am extremely sad. It is going to be such a hard year without them here. But I know that no matter what- I will always have a friend in them- no matter the miles, or the times!

This summer, I worked at a Christian camp in Harrisburg, PA. It was an amazingly incredible summer! I loved it! I worked in the kitchen/housekeeping. We were OP staff! I lived in a cabin with six other girls, and there were eight girls total that worked on OP staff. It was great! We had so much fun, and so many memories! That it will take me a while to fill y'all in on! Most days, the whole OP staff, guys and girls would meet for a discipleship class, and the theme of the summer was to Prove It. Basically, okay, you can read the Bible, but what are you going to do about what you read? So putting into everyday life, what I learn in the Bible. So how can I prove it each and every day for the rest of my life on earth?! That right there is a challenge! A big thing that I learned, is that God is the ONLY One who is ALWAYS there for me. Whenever I have this lonely feeling, and I can't get rid of it- HE can fill me with His love. He is all that I need. (Something I will definitely have to learn for the rest of my life...) But at least He will never give up on me! So I came home, and there are things that I want to do in life for Him. I don't just want to be a Christian who just goes to church on Sunday- I want to be O so passionate about Him!!

Also, this past March/April I went to Nicaragua for a week- what an AMAZING trip! I can't wait to go back ASAP! But that is something that I will have to pray about... (The people there- Oh, I loved the people!)

Well, soccer has begun- (I told you- it just gets buzier!) and school will be starting on September 1!! So my new year is set! But this time, I won't wait so long to blog again!
Please keep me and my family in your prayers...thanks for all that you have done in supporting us this far...(:

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