Thursday, November 13, 2008

Technology is so AMAZING!

I love technology!! One of my very good friends is in another country for the school year. She wants to be a missionary-doctor when she is out of school and so she is there for a year. I got to talk to her tonight!! It was awesome. I talked to her for about and hour and a half. There is so much to cover, I can't even cover it all, but to at least talk to her for that long was awesome.

Right now, I am in my parents room with my dad.

He told my mom a story today, well at least started to here it is, "Once upon a time, in a far away land, there lived a woman after God's own heart..." and that's about as far as it went. He was obviously referring to my mommy. My dad quizzed me on my Bible verse today. It was nice. He told me he loved me a few times today, and that was lovely. I love my dad so much. He is so amazing, just to stand here and talk to him is nice. I am quite a talker anyway, so just holding his hand, and talking to him is fun.

I just read this book, and there was a chapter on modesty, and I thought it was very good. Usually, I hear about modesty from older women, who are wise, but hearing it from them is like "easy for them to say" but it really is an issue! So, I know I said this before, but being the captain of the b-ball team, I decided one of the things I want to talk to them about is modesty. I am excited about our games, because I get to do some devotionals. I love devotionals. So I am pretty excited.

Well, it is like 9:30, and I need to study for somethings.
But, the good news is TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!
That means the weekend has finally arrived! YEA!!

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